Seven Points of Mind Training with Lama Zangmo
Sat, 22 Mar
Using the text The Great Path of Awakening and other commentaries which contain clear, precise instructions, Lama Zangmo will give instructions with emphasis on using the practice to meet ordinary life situations with loving kindness and Bodhicitta.

Time & Location
22 Mar 2025, 10:30 – 15:00
London, 15 Spa Rd, London SE16 3SA, UK
About the event
This is a monthly course running from March till December. There is no teaching in August.
For centuries Tibetans have used the seven points of mind training with a series of fifty-nine slogans as a skillful method for training the mind and cultivating limitless compassion.
The Seven Points which will be taught are:
The Preliminaries
The main practice: Ultimate & Relative Bodhicitta
Transforming Adversity into the Path of Enlightenment
Applying the Practice throughout the Whole of One’s Life
The Measure of Mind Training
Evaluation of Mind Training
Ethics of Mind Training
Using the text The Great Path of Awakening and other commentaries which contain clear, precise instructions, Lama Zangmo will give instructions with emphasis on using the practice to meet ordinary life situations with loving kindness and Bodhicitta.
The course is suitable for both Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike, but some familiarity with Buddhist teachings is required.
Important, please note:
When booking onto this course it is a requirement to attend all the dates in full (with the exception of serious illness) and give it priority over other activities. Attendants will also be given instructions for a regular daily practice.
Dates for this course:
22 March; 26 April; 24 May; 21 June; 26 July; 20 Sept; 18 Oct; 15 Nov; 13 Dec;
The £5 is a non refundable registration fee, not a payment for the course. There is no charge for our courses and teachings, but donations to help cover the costs of running the centre are very welcome.
Registration Fee
£+Service fee