The Centre has now closed for our volunteers' well-earned Winter break, however, we'll look forward to welcoming you back from 5.00 pm on Wednesday 10th January. In the meantime, let us wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year.
As I've mentioned New Year, the Kagyu Monlam in Bodhgaya is taking place in January 2024. One thing that has grown up alongside the Monlam is the Akong Tulku Rinpoche Memorial Soup Kitchen. I have to say that this is the first time I've heard of a memorial soup kitchen however, if you know anything about Rinpoche's escape from Tibet and the vow he took during that, I can't think of anything more fitting! If you're attending the Monlam, then you're invited to help out, and if you're not, then this short article is a lovely read.
Life is marked by regular beginnings and endings. Ten years ago I became a resident at the Centre, and embarked on a new chapter in my life which has been hugely rewarding. Communal living isn't for everyone, but for the most part I found it incredibly supportive. Sharing a space with other people who are also asking some of life's bigger questions enables a depth of conversation that's not always so easy to come by in the wider world - and regular access to the Shrine Room and teachings has been a blessing. The Centre is a real haven of tranquility in the middle of one of the world's busier cities. However, it's time for a new chapter in my life which has involved leaving the Centre to move in with my long-term partner in the outer limits of zone 6! It looks as though I'll also be having a major career change in 2024 as well, but one thing that won't be changing in a hurry is me editing the newsletter. I've been doing it for 20 years and am happy to do it for a while longer yet.
Speaking of what's going on....resuming in January are:
Lama Zangmo's drop-in course, A Precious Garland of the Supreme Path, resumes on Thursday evenings from the 11th January, 7.00 - 8.00 pm.
Module 3 of Gampopa's Jewel Ornament of Liberation starts on Saturday 27th January, 10.00 am - 3.30 pm. The final day of this course will be on Saturday 22nd June.
Finally, a reminder - the Centre is now closed until 5.00 pm on Wednesday the 10th of January, 2024. We all hope that you have a happy, peaceful and restorative time and we'll look forward to seeing you again in the New Year.
Dear Friends,
By now, you will all have seen the beautiful and wonderfully inspiring joint statement by Ogyen Trinley Dorje and Thaye Dorje.
In the statement we are all requested to recite the Sutra in Three Sections (which is also known as 'The Confession to the 35 Buddhas' or 'The 3 Heaps Sutra') as well as the Vajrasattva (or Dorje Sempa) mantra, which most of you will already be familiar with.
In Samye Ling we have been reciting the 'Sutra in Three Sections' in the Temple every day for many decades and, in the spirit of the statement, we will continue to do so with renewed dedication. I also personally recite this Sutra several times every day.
Now I would like to encourage all Samye Dzongs and everyone connected to them to please also recite this Sutra and the Vajrasattva mantra as many times as you can.
And with His Holiness' blessing may all our prayers bring benefit to our Lineage and to our troubled world.
With very best wishes to you all
Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche
Abbot of Kagyu Samye Ling Monastery and Tibetan Centre
Here in Samye Dzong London we will be adding The Sutra in Three Sections to our online morning meditation sessions. You are invited to download the PDF and join us in reciting it on our youtube channel.
Tibetan Language Courses in the New Year
We have 3 Tibetan language courses starting in the New Year catering for beginners and upwards, Beginners' Tibetan Language, term 2, kicks off on Wednesday 17th January. It's a continuation of the October 2023 Beginners Course and is suitable for anyone who already knows the Tibetan alphabet and the very basics of how to read.
In the Lower Intermediate Tibetan Language Course starting on Friday 19th January, students will expand their Tibetan vocabulary, reading and writing.
Finally, and also on Fridays from the 19th January, is a Chenrezig Text Study which is suitable for anyone who knows the basics of how to read Tibetan, even if it is only slowly. The aim is to enable the students to understand the word-by-word meaning of the text and become proficient in reading it, so they can start to use the Tibetan language for their own Dharma practice. This is not an advanced course, and it is not necessary to be a fast reader to join.
All of these courses are led by Drukthar Gyal: Druk was born in Tibet, grew up in India and did further studies in the United Kingdom. He is an experienced Tibetan language Teacher with excellent knowledge of Tibetan language, literature and Tibetan culture.
To attend any of these courses please book in advance on the Samye Dzong London website.
More courses in the New Year!
The hands in the picture may give you a clue about the first course we're going to mention...
Start the new year with a Meditation Weekend at Samye Dzong London on the 13/14 January. And if you a looking for an imaginative gift for a friend, it is possible to make it into a Weekend Retreat by booking accommodation and staying overnight.
A one-day Introduction to Meditation course with Joelle Peeters takes please on Saturday 20th January from 10.00 - 4.00. This course will introduce participants to the techniques and understanding to establish an ongoing and fruitful practice of calm abiding meditation. It will include posture, relaxation, breathing, and walking meditation and other relevant aspects of practice. There will be meditation sessions interspersed throughout the day and plenty of time for Q&A.
Join us for Losar Tibetan New Year on 10 Feb. We will be celebrating from 2-4pm with prayers for the new year followed by Tibetan food and Tibetan butter tea.
Instructions for the Chenrezig puja will be given by Lama Zangmo on Sunday 11th Feb from 11.00 - 3.30 pm. Chenrezig is the Bodhisattva of Compassion and we recite this practice every Sunday evening at the Centre.
Finally, a weekend of Working with the Emotions on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th February,10.00 am - 3.00 pm. This weekend course will focus especially on how we can deal with emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and confusion and develop positive mindstates such as gratitude, appreciation and clarity through meditation and the way we think.
